Friday, December 12, 2008

PROM 2008

Yesterday was prom...
Waited for so long ^^
Everything run perfectly...
Thanks to all the great organizers^^
Shou kuan, christina, sharlene,jeradyne Great job^^

Me and nic reach cititel at 4pm
get into our room...
All the guys cramp imto the small room to prepare ourself..hmmm
Here are some pic i have during prom...because i use my own fon..!!There are PLENTY more..Patient^^

Shiela and me^^ love this pic

Izzati and me
Men naz...i noe her since standard 1^^
Edwin and me^^ noe him since 5years gawd!!
Men in black + me and my Old fren

Me during registration! ^^

The guys in the room... guys prepare quitw long also ...GUys nowadays..haiz...

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